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fx risk reversal fx cylinder hedging strategy

Risk Reversal strategy, or as it is also known as a cylinder hedging strategy, is probably one of the two most popular options-based hedging strategies. What is risk reversal? What it’s components? How does the payoff diagram look like? How does exercising an option works? What are the delivery types? All and more you will find in this article. 

FX Risk Reversal Extra

FX Risk reversal extra is a mixed version of Risk Reversal and Forward Extra FX hedging strategies

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Limited loss FX Risk Reversal

Limited loss risk reversal is a more conservative hedging strategy comper to a regular risk reversal that has theoretically unlimited potential loss

Non-deliverable forward (NDF) payoff chart

What is the difference between deliverable and non-deliverable forward contracts?

Non-deliverable and Deliverable - When to use each?

ECB exchange rates download to Google sheets

Learn how to import the official ECB exchange rates of the euro against other currencies, for the last 90 days, to Google sheets.

Cross-Currency SWAP: Mechanics and Valuation

Cross-Currency Swap Valuation Excel model for free download!

FX Budget rate widget

Reference Rate Setting Technique

fx derivatives valuation

A headache or an opportunity?